IACUC Amendments during RAP transition

IACUC iacuc at uoregon.edu
Mon Aug 1 14:07:38 PDT 2022

Hello all, 


As a follow up. Please do not use the procedure templates linked below or
the amendment forms below directly from the links. Please download the form
then fill it out for submission. 


I have attached the procedure forms templates here and have cleaned up the
originals in the files. 


If there are any revisions that you catch, please let me know so that we can
get the corrected. 





From: IACUC <iacuc at uoregon.edu> 
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2022 9:47 AM
To: 'iacuc-info at lists.uoregon.edu' <iacuc-info at lists.uoregon.edu>
Cc: Inst Animal Care and Use Committee <iacuc at uoregon.edu>
Subject: IACUC Amendments during RAP transition


Hello all, 


If you need to add an amendment during the transition period between eAPM
freeze and the IACUC RAP module launch, please follow the instructions


All of the below information is available on the AWS Research website
search> . 


All Amendments: 

*	During the transition period please download the
993UFlFkf9dAMwf3xIBxXxMpYt2-5YTvLjT0auRVA?e=5AhPqB> Amendment form and fill
it out as part of your submission.
*	Once you have completed the documents indicated for the specific
type of amendment, submit them to the IACUC office to begin the review

Personnel Amendments: 

For each person to be added, fill out :

*	A
2IV85JFtpb7SBRmzuYBENGiyLC9OARfXf2vK8ONbQ?e=EuwXxN> personnel form 

Please make sure they are aware that they still need to complete all of the
regular training on the checklists below: 

XeLBGdHmy9_EgiLagcBlw1DvK8xbCgLZM4yMrWpzw?e=psvBnE> Aquatic Checklist
dncvphEjcllh3qHmncBsVBZLSPLQ8kHUvKANnH7UQ?e=khJxUZ> General Checklist

Procedure amendments:

Please select and complete the appropriate template from the list below.
These templates are formatted to match the new system which will facilitate
entering them in the new system once we launch. 


qHhis1Bmn97LNQjFW0BkfcGoxMvn3s1YNXd0lq9TQ?e=TP2NAR>  Procedure Templates: 

*	Substances:

a7RucRBgfJ3b4znrBoB0mWTvCaevSe-FZtquFIyEg?e=wYmIJj>  Substance form
LgjTotNpJhqyZZ-xXoBiPfQ9NdXxiVlThYcTS7_vA?e=g6Zdws>  Substance procedure

*	Surgery:

vs4YK5JhtcjlS8ojZ0BSqPFV0KtlMmAzkmwD2bX8w?e=rc0Bbf>  Non-survival surgery
73TMAhEofZTpxuIE1AB8fl_iyd6w8Uausry8pUKQw?e=mDYOvy>  Survival surgery
38X0RdEpoUdtuyEA38BPwi2ka4E8OpsaDZcFqV1Dg?e=fsyOTJ>  Survival surgery

*	Euthanasia:

T-huXhJpB5Yq9LACyABL_yJ88oaqX-ljD4oADKKUg?e=TSg3S3>  Euthanasia 

eoEyZ5KsPf4V-XyQaIB3UgOJ9tk5ZF0NlGv8_DUOA?e=gE6dzP>  Experimental procedure
- Use this for procedure type not described elsewhere
ukoxB5LqS1LwUTqpOUBIgTL0G8ddm5AOp31UeYcnA?e=i8gD2b>  Behavioral procedure
tVIqYNGjSck_-w8Tr4BcAgCtZdbrYHTugo9XN9bHg?e=0glky1>  Antibody production
J3j3Q1GqvjA9MMkYnsB9GbqPRKN4v7MrTN1n74N9g?e=kgVzRL>  Imaging procedure
_EisYlOrOp2PFv_n3ABSv-LMINA-iX8if7SfY6Ixg?e=moR75B>  Food or fluid
K4anKxLjucksOMPIIgB9V_8rYkwqRYxUkpbPkmW4w?e=X18Oqm>  Physical restraint
-hPJvZHhDsK5P_rsvUBrzmd4Z1NLKtJ4d6xAS0jdw?e=2wUSgz>  Tissue or blood

Grant Amendments: 

*	Fill out the
993UFlFkf9dAMwf3xIBxXxMpYt2-5YTvLjT0auRVA?e=5AhPqB> Amendment form and
include the grant as part of your submission.


Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. 

If you have any questions about the new IACUC tool or this initiative, I
invite you to share those by emailing rapinfo at uoregon.edu
<mailto:rapinfo at uoregon.edu>  


If you have questions or concerns for the IACUC office, please email us at
<mailto:iacuc at uoregon.edu> iacuc at uoregon.edu.  


University of Oregon | Animal Welfare Services


UO IACUC office: iacuc at uoregon.edu <mailto:iacuc at uoregon.edu>  



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