travelnews: Travel Round Table Tomorrow! March 31st at 11:00

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Tue Mar 30 12:11:17 PDT 2021

To UO Concur Delegates and Travel Administrators:
Monthly Concur Roundtable
The UO Travel Office hosts a monthly Concur Roundtable for Concur travel delegates and travelers on the last Wednesday of each month. It’s an opportunity to meet your peers and share best practices, stay informed about changes and updates, and provide feedback related to Concur and UO travel.
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2021  **  Time: 11:00 AM to Noon
Topic: Traveler/Delegate Resources Related to COVID-19 and Eventual Return to Travel COVID-19 has changed the travel landscape significantly. As a result of these changes, many new traveler resources have emerged to support travelers as they make choices about when and how they will travel, if international destinations are open to receive travelers, and what precautions or processes they may have to undergo before travel and/or upon arrival at their destination. Please join the Travel Office as we explore some of these resources as well as discuss how your department can proactively prepare for an eventual return to UO business travel.
Topics include:

  *   Understanding traveler responsibilities regarding quarantine, testing, mask mandate and vaccination documentation

  *   COVID-19 Traveler and Delegate Resources
     *   Airline COVID-19 protocols, resources, and documentation repositories
     *   Travel Management Company (TMC) COVID-19 travel information and resources
     *   Concur and TripIt Pro resources

  *   The eventual return to business travel for the UO-There is not a prospective date yet for a return to travel, though it is important to prepare your department for what may be a tidal wave of travel activity.

Please come ready to discuss these questions:

        *   Have travel delegate roles transferred to new personnel? Are you new to travel delegation?
        *   Do you have new employees that have not yet traveled for the UO? What resources do you they need to be successful? What resources do delegates need to support them?
        *   Knowing that many travelers have not used Concur in over a year, how will your department refresh traveler and delegate knowledge of Concur processes?
        *   When travel opens back up will your department change its style of service to travelers?
        *   What information will be helpful to travelers and delegates? How do they want to receive this information?
           *   Check off lists
           *   Step by step manuals
           *   Short training videos
           *   Zoom group presentations
           *   Other formats

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 914 8609 6690
Passcode: 291522
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        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

Brooke Millett Montgomery
Travel Program Technician
University of Oregon Travel Office
(541) 346-3445
bmillett at<mailto:bmillett at>

**  If your travel involves human subjects research, please do not disclose any information that is protected under UO Policy and other Regulations​**<**>

Travel Office/Concur Help Desk: Phone: 6-3100/Email: travel at<mailto:travel at>

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