di: "My Child Will Read" web site: alerting parents about "Teach Your Child ..."

Joe Kuhn joemkuhn at gmail.com
Fri Jul 1 11:31:44 PDT 2022

Love your site Dave.  I was a kid who failed to learn to read on schedule.
After my first grade mid year report card, my dad showed me how to sound
out words - it's easy (as long as you know the sounds dad).  Well I did
learn my sounds by listening in class and learned to read and eventually
came across Zig's method of teaching at the U of I as an undergraduate
student.  It meant so much to me... (lots more history at U of O skipped
here)...I ended up as a self taught computer programmer and did teach both
my kids to read before 1st grade.  I've promoted 100 Easy Lessons as well
and have 2 copies yet to be distributed for free sitting right here on my
desk.  If you know of anyone who could benefit, I'll mail them out free of

One other thing.  My neighbor's son was a very late talker and I was able
to help them get him going with some very basic principles like lots of
modelling and making it fun with toys involving speech.  One toy that comes
to mind is the dial up the animal game that will give the animal's sound
when you pull the string.  This little boy loved the game and got very good
at predicting what sound he was about to hear based on which animal the
dial was pointing to.  The boy's mother is a doctor and she cried on my
wife's shoulder when she realized her son should be talking at 3 years of
age, but was mute.  Now he doesn't stop talking.  What a difference the
right stuff makes.

You deserve a lot of credit promoting what works.  If there's anything I
can do to help, let me know.

Joe Kuhn
Master's Degree - Curriculum and Design, U of O.

On Fri, Jul 1, 2022 at 11:35 AM Dave Ziffer <daveziffer at projectpro.com>

> *Dear DI List*: My name is Dave Ziffer. I was one of the parent warriors
> in the "reading wars" of the 1990s. I was introduced to the DI curricula
> and to this list by Mary Damer
> <https://www.linkedin.com/in/mary-damer-a2714611/>, who you probably know
> much better than you do me. Both of us lived in Illinois at the time and we
> were both activists and contributors to the Illinois-based group "Illinois
> Loop <http://www.illinoisloop.org/>".
> I'm writing to alert you to the existence of a web site I produced in late
> 2020: My Child Will Read <http://mychildwillread.org/>.
> The purpose of the site is to alert parents to the idea that they should
> teach their own children how to read using "Teach Your Child To Read In 100
> Easy Lessons" rather than waiting for their children's schools to fail
> them. Since most parents have no idea what's going on, most of the site is
> dedicated to alerting them to the problem. The five primary pages are:
>    - Home <http://mychildwillread.org/>: the odds are against your child
>    - The Problem <http://mychildwillread.org/the-problem.shtml>: 80 years
>    of reading instruction failure in the public schools
>    - How Reading Works
>    <http://mychildwillread.org/how-reading-works.shtml>: hieroglyphic vs.
>    alphabetic written languages
>    - Dyslexia <http://mychildwillread.org/dyslexia.shtml>: the "disease"
>    that even the medical community can't seem to pin down
>    - Teach Your Child <http://mychildwillread.org/teach-your-child.shtml>:
>    how to save your own children (no school board approval needed!)
> Please feel free to provide constructive criticism, to use the site for
> your own purposes, and/or promote the site if you feel it is worthwhile.
> Thanks!
> Dave Ziffer
> daveziffer at projectpro.com <+daveziffer at projectpro.com>
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