di: Reading Mastery 3 vs. Corrective Reading B1

M Ripke michael.ripke at gmail.com
Wed May 6 18:30:52 PDT 2020

As an elementary school teacher, I was teaching both both programs this
year RM 3 Signature to a group and B-1 to a student. Been doing ZOOM
sessions too. To your questions: Is there any way at all that I could teach
both boys or should I just concentrate on the lower learner? Two, do you
recommend going with the Reading Mastery 3 or Corrective Reading. Guess
it's how much time you are willing to commit to delivering and what
program(s) to one or both boys? With RM 3 you have vocabulary development
exercises, the stories are *long in length* with a mix of expository
information presented at the beginning of a lesson for the kids to answer
later on for textbook/workbook questions. Then there is the spelling
component the end of each lesson. With B-1 word attack skills, kids get
more practice learning letter sound combinations and irregular words for
the stories in B-1. The stories are shorter too. If the pacing is brisk,
kids are taught to mastery, you can get a lesson done in B-1, do the
points, and start next lesson within an hour. Then there is the program you
use for one or both students. Have done the placement test for Decoding. I
had the luxury teaching this B-1 student twice a day. At the beginning
of the school year started RM 1 with him, then transitioned to B-1 after
X-mas while he was in the RM 3 group. Didn't penalize the RM 3 group as
much for his word errors til later on. Gave him more individual turns. He
was motivated to do well and his comprehension was pretty accurate when
given individual questions in the RM 3 group and his workbook/textbook
answers; same in B-1. Not sure what to say about concentrating on just one
learner or to teach two programs. With Decoding B-1 and B-2 could give them
the mastery test for every 10 lessons and see if there is a middle ground
for the lower learner to start with other student. Also consider letting
them start together in the same program if you want to do a group lesson.
Long as they are making gains, it's not penalizing the higher learner for
the program they're in, and it accomplishes what you want them to achieve
over the summer I don't think there is a wrong or right. Good luck.

On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 3:31 PM <wallace.rondaopal at gmail.com> wrote:

> >> Greetings from Oregon,
> >
> >> I need advice on two third grade boys who are behind grade level. I was
> recently contacted by their  teacher, asking if I would be willing to work
> with them. I had planned to work at their school, but because of the
> pandemic, I will now need to tutor  in my home. Unfortunately, they are not
> at the same reading level.
> >> One of the boys, “Caleb”, took the decoding placement test (he read the
> Part 1 portion at 1:28 with 13 errors)   The recommendation, as far as I
> can tell, is to place him in Corrective Reading B-1
> >> or Reading Mastery 3.
> >> The second boy, “Jack”, had the following results:
> >> Part 1... :56.62 seconds with one error
> >> Part 3... 1:29 minutes with 5 errors
> >> Part 4... 2:21 minutes with 14 errors
> >> The recommendation appears to be either doing Corrective Reading B-2
> or Reading Mastery 4.
> >> I’m really conflicted about which way to proceed. I have materials for
> Reading Mastery 3 and 4 as well as B-1 and B-2 in the Corrective Reading.
> >> At the moment I am committed  to tutoring  3 days a week ( I know 5
> days a week would be better). Do you have any thoughts on which program
> would be more beneficial?  If his parents are willing, I plan to work
> through the summer with Caleb  (the reader who placed at B-1). I haven’t
> committed to working with Jack because I don’t know if my schedule will
> allow me to commit to two boys for the entire summer.
> >> So here are my  two questions:
> >> One, Is there any way at all that I could teach both boys or should I
> just concentrate on the lower learner?
> >> And two, do you recommend going with the Reading Mastery 3 or
> Corrective Reading B-1?
> >> Thank you for any advice you can give me!
> >> All the best,
> >> Ronda Wallace
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