di: Reading Mastery 3 vs. Corrective Reading B1

wallace.rondaopal at gmail.com wallace.rondaopal at gmail.com
Tue May 5 14:34:59 PDT 2020

>> Greetings from Oregon,
>> I need advice on two third grade boys who are behind grade level. I was recently contacted by their  teacher, asking if I would be willing to work with them. I had planned to work at their school, but because of the pandemic, I will now need to tutor  in my home. Unfortunately, they are not at the same reading level.

>> One of the boys, “Caleb”, took the decoding placement test (he read the Part 1 portion at 1:28 with 13 errors)   The recommendation, as far as I can tell, is to place him in Corrective Reading B-1
>> or Reading Mastery 3.

>> The second boy, “Jack”, had the following results:
>> Part 1... :56.62 seconds with one error
>> Part 3... 1:29 minutes with 5 errors
>> Part 4... 2:21 minutes with 14 errors
>> The recommendation appears to be either doing Corrective Reading B-2  or Reading Mastery 4.

>> I’m really conflicted about which way to proceed. I have materials for Reading Mastery 3 and 4 as well as B-1 and B-2 in the Corrective Reading.
>> At the moment I am committed  to tutoring  3 days a week ( I know 5 days a week would be better). Do you have any thoughts on which program  would be more beneficial?  If his parents are willing, I plan to work through the summer with Caleb  (the reader who placed at B-1). I haven’t committed to working with Jack because I don’t know if my schedule will allow me to commit to two boys for the entire summer.

>> So here are my  two questions:
>> One, Is there any way at all that I could teach both boys or should I just concentrate on the lower learner?
>> And two, do you recommend going with the Reading Mastery 3 or Corrective Reading B-1?

>> Thank you for any advice you can give me!
>> All the best,
>> Ronda Wallace

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