di: What should my plan be for my two grandsons?

wallace.rondaopal at gmail.com wallace.rondaopal at gmail.com
Wed Feb 14 13:49:53 PST 2018


I would love some advice on how to proceed with the reading instruction of my grandsons.  Owen turned 5 this past December and his brother Lawrence will turn 3 this month).  Owen has  completed Reading Mastery I and II and has begun Reading Mastery III. We are on Lesson 26.  He reads fluently and zips through the lessons effortlessly. He understands the Take-homes, but his writing skills are at a 5 year old level.  I have said I would be his “scribe” on any questions he would like.   Sometimes he chooses to write the answers.  However, if it is a long sentence, he will tell me the answer and I will write for him.  

Should I just abandon the idea of the Take-homes  and just have him read the stories?  I have thought about concentrating on writing, apart from the Reading Mastery stories, but he seems to like the reading so much more. 

At one point I began teaching him Distar Arithmetic.  We did lessons for about a month. However, because of time constraints, we ended up just focusing  on reading.  

My other grandson, Lawrence,  has begun Reading Mastery I. We started later because he didn’t show interest until recently.  We are at lesson 24 and he is happy in doing the lessons.  

Because I am now seeing what may be a problem for Owen when he hits kindergarten in the Fall, I am wondering what the end game should be... for both boys.  When they begin school, will I have just served to frustrate all involved, teachers as well as my grandchildren?  Any suggestions are welcome!  


Ronda Wallace

Sent from my iPad

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