di: NIFDI Needs your Help-Vote for National Charter School session

Bryan Wickman bwickman at nifdi.org
Wed Feb 14 10:12:03 PST 2018

Dear Listmates,
I am writing to ask for your help on an important project. The National Institute for Direct Instruction (NIFDI), in partnership with IDEA Public Charter Schools, has a tremendous opportunity to increase the awareness of the power of Direct Instruction by making a presentation at the National Charter School Alliance Conference next June, but we need your help. We've put together an informative and engaging presentation on the effectiveness of DI with special education needs, featuring the Critical Student Intervention model used with students in grades 3-8 in Texas.

Thirty percent of the selection criteria for the conference is based on voting by the public... you! It's a very simple process. Click on this link: https://conference.publiccharters.org/FORMS/SESSION_SELECTOR/cfp_login.php?formid=29140234

You will be asked to enter your email address. After you submit your address, you will be sent an email with your password. Once you have entered your password the Session Selector page will come up. Scroll to the field "Search by title or keyword" and key in the beginning characters of the session title: How IDEA Schools Closes the Reading Gap in Grades 3-8. Our presentation will filter as the top option. (It will come up before you type the entire title.) If you click on the title, a popup with the description should appear. Make your vote and give us any feedback, then press "submit feedback." If you want to vote without reading the description, just click on the green thumbs up to the left of the title.

This will only take a few moments of your time and will result in more people becoming aware of the powerful results that DI and good teaching can provide! Voting closes on February 28, so please don't delay. If you would like to go the extra mile, please pass this request on to your friends and any social media you may participate in.

Thank you so much for your consideration.
Best Regards, Bryan
 Bryan Wickman
Outreach Coordinator
bwickman at nifdi.org



Bryan Wickman,

Outreach Coordinator


Have you seen our new series of video in-services? The current library includes Correcting Discrimination Errors, Critical Phrasing, and Implementing Thermometer Charts. For more information, go to https://www.nifdi.org/store/category/19-training-materials.

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