[Cas-allemps] SENATE time sensitive: Survey and Town Halls on "Sexual, Physically Intimate, or Romantic Relationships with Students" policy revision

CAS Dean casdean at uoregon.edu
Wed Nov 7 15:29:18 PST 2018

Sent on behalf of Melanie Muenzer and Bill Harbaugh

Please share the below email with your units and colleagues. The Around the O story can be found here:


Dear Campus Community:

The UO Senate Committee on Sexual and Gender Based Violence has been charged with revising UO’s policy "Conflicts of Interest and Abuses of Power: Sexual, Physically Intimate, or Romantic Relationships with Students”. This policy revision addresses consensual sexual, physically intimate, or romantic relationships between any employee and student, where the employee has power or authority over the student. This policy is meant to foster a learning environment characterized by professional behavior and fair and impartial treatment.

The current draft of the policy revision can be found here<https://cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com/blogs.uoregon.edu/dist/9/13250/files/2018/11/CSGBV-Policy-11.03.18-ib-18n88i0.pdf>.

The purpose of this email is tell you about opportunities for feedback on the new draft policy, which will then be revised by the CGSBV, and brought to the Senate for a vote.

(For your reference, you can find the old policy, in in effect until Jan 31 2019, at https://policies.uoregon.edu/conflicts-interest-and-abuses-power-sexual-or-romantic-relationships-students)

Please provide comments online via this anonymous Qualtrics survey<https://oregon.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3mhgEpItTifRepD> and or by attending one of the two Town Halls this Thursday.
For faculty, graduate employees, OA’s, and staff: 12:00 PM - 1:00
PM, Thursday November, 8 in 112 Lillis Hall (Targeted at employees,
but open to all).

For Students: 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM, Thursday November 8, in 125
McKenzie Hall (Targeted at students, but open to all).

The survey will be kept open during the meetings and monitored, to allow asking anonymous questions. You may also send comments via email to the co-chair of the CSGBV Sonja Boos, at sboos at uoregon.edu<mailto:sboos at uoregon.edu>, with the subject  "CSGBV DRAFT"

Thank you for any time you are able to put into reviewing and commenting on this draft.


Sonja Boos, CSGBV co-chair and Associate Prof in the Dept of German and Scandinavian
IB Gasamma, CSGBV co-chair and Prof of Law

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