[Andalusi Studies] qunilyah = rabbit, wabr = ?

Isaac Betech isaacb at tovnet.com
Mon Mar 16 15:29:32 PDT 2015

Many thanks to everyone who answered my previous question regarding "rabbit" in Andalusi Arabic, I appreciate very much your help.
According to your answer and later on I found also an additional confirmation at: Discursos leídos ante la Real Academia Española en la recepción de D. Francisco Codera, Madrid 1910 p.71-72, the conclusion is that qunilyah = rabbit.

My new question is:
Of course I agree that qunilyah = rabbit, but I found in:
The Book of Hebrew Roots by Abu`l Walid Marwan Ibn Janah. Oxford, 1875 by Ad. Neubauer. Root "sh-f-n"

The following:
English translation:
“And the shafan”. It is the “wabr”, an animal the size of a cat, which is found [only] a little in the East, but is abundant among us [in Spain]. Nevertheless the masses do not know it by that name, but by the name “conilio”, a Spanish name [for rabbit]”.

My question:
Is anyone aware of the meaning of "wabr" in Andalusi Arabic?
 From Ibn Janah it seems that "wabr" is a synonym of rabbit, but in many countries in modern Arabic it is the common name for the hyrax (Procavia capensis).
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Best regards 

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