travelnews: Travel/Concur Roundtable Tomorrow February 5th-Tools for traveler safety!

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Tue Feb 4 09:13:31 PST 2025

Monthly Travel/Concur Roundtable

The UO Travel Office hosts a monthly Concur Roundtable for Concur travel delegates and travelers on the last Wednesday of each month. It’s an opportunity to meet your peers and share best practices, stay informed about changes and updates, and provide feedback related to Concur and UO travel.

Date: Wednesday, February 5th, 2025  **  Time: 11:00 AM to Noon

Safety and Risk Services-Foreign Travel Insurance and Other Traveler Safety Tools The safety of UO Business Travelers is our priority and the university’s Division of Safety and Risk Services works hard to provide processes and tools to help travelers plan their trip with safety in mind and allow the university to communicate with and assist travelers when a risk event occurs during travel. Please join us for a discussion with Lisa Taylor, Director of Risk Management and Insurance, where we will explore tools such International Business Travel Insurance and UO’s Travel Risk Platform HX Global and the HX Global App. Together we will look more closely at what these tools do and how travelers can engage with them before and during their trip.

Discussion topics include:

  *   International Business Travel Insurance
     *   What is it and what it can do for travelers?
Changes coming in FY26
  *   HX Global Platform
     *   Traveler notifications before and during their trip
HX Global App for travelers
  *   Q and A

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Brooke Millett Montgomery
Travel Manager
University of Oregon Travel Office
(541) 346-3445
bmillett at<mailto:bmillett at>

**  If your travel involves human subjects research, please do not disclose any information that is protected under UO Policy and other Regulations<**>?**<**>

Travel Office/Concur Help Desk: Phone: 6-3100/Email: travel at

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