travelnews: Reminder! Concur Round Table January 26th @ 11 AM!

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Tue Jan 25 05:04:00 PST 2022

Hello Department Travel Delegates and Travelers,

Monthly Concur Roundtable

The UO Travel Office hosts a monthly Concur Roundtable for Concur travel delegates and travelers on the last Wednesday of each month. It’s an opportunity to meet your peers and share best practices, stay informed about changes and updates, and provide feedback related to Concur and UO travel.

Date: Wednesday, January 26th, 2021  **  Time: 11:00 AM to Noon

Topic:  UO Student Travel - When UO students have the opportunity to travel in association with their various roles on campus a lot of questions come up. Is it business travel or student participant support? Is the student traveling for an employee position they hold on campus? Does the student have a profile in Concur? The student doesn’t have a credit card, how will they pay for their expenses? The list of questions doesn’t stop there, but asking the questions is the right place to start! Please join the Travel Office for a discussion to help you navigate the nuances of student travel.

Topics include:

  *   Student Travel Questionnaire to smoothly plan student travel from reservation to reimbursement
  *   Characteristics of business travel versus UO student participant support
  *   Processing student travel in Concur
  *   Tips and tricks to getting students to work with their department travel delegates
  *   Q&A
Microsoft Teams meeting
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Brooke Millett Montgomery
Travel Program Technician
University of Oregon Travel Office
(541) 346-3445
bmillett at<mailto:bmillett at>

Concur Users: TripIt Pro is available FREE for all UO employees. Log into and go to App Center, TripIt and Connect.  Forward all reservations confirmations and itineraries to plans at<mailto:plans at> to experience stress free business and personal travel.

**  If your travel involves human subjects research, please do not disclose any information that is protected under UO Policy and other Regulations​**<**>

Travel Office/Concur Help Desk: Phone: 6-3100/Email: travel at<mailto:travel at>

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