travelnews: FY19 Concur Accrual Entries

BAO news for travel administrators travelnews at
Thu May 30 10:42:23 PDT 2019

Good morning,

The Business Affairs Office (BAO) Financial Services Department would like to inform University of Oregon personnel that we will be processing the following year-end accrual entries related to FY19 transactions in Concur:

*         All outstanding Pcard activity through the June 2019 billing cycle.

*         FY19 travel activity outstanding as of June 30th, and subsequently submitted and/or approved by July 10th. Travel expense for trips that crossed fiscal years will be prorated between the years based on the travel dates.

The accrual entry data will be pulled July 11th and the entries will be made prior to the July 16th departmental Banner lockout for FY19. Please work to assign any outstanding One card and Lodge card activity to expense reports in Concur as soon as possible, and submit reports for FY19 travel.

Thank you,
BAO Financial Services Department

Phil Davis, 6-3524, pdavis at<mailto:pdavis at>
Jill Ritz, 6-1256, jritz at<mailto:jritz at>
Robbin Howard, 6-1115, rchoward at<mailto:rchoward at>

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