travelnews: New Auto ID Card

BAO news for travel administrators travelnews at
Mon Jun 30 15:34:09 PDT 2014

>From Deb Donning at Enterprise Risk Services:

Greetings, Colleagues:

I have attached the proof of insurance for UO vehicles effective July 1, 2014 at 12:01 AM.  Please print off this proof of insurance and place a copy of it in each UO vehicle that you are responsible for, this may include owned, loaned, borrowed and rented vehicles.  Employees should have this proof of insurance when they rent a car for UO business (including OSU and State motor-pool vehicles) or when driving a UO vehicle.  When driving a personal vehicle, the employee's insurance is primary and thus this proof of insurance is NOT required for personal vehicles.

Please forward this email as is required.

New vehicle packets will include the new proof of insurance.

Please also note all third parties should be referred to the UO Office of Risk Management to initiate the claim process.

Phone:  541-346-8316
FAX:       541-346-7008
Email:    riskmanagement at<mailto:riskmanagement at>

Thank you for your assistance and please feel free to contact me if you have questions or concerns.

Deb Donning
Risk Manager
Office of Risk Management

Enterprise Risk Services | University of Oregon
1260 University of Oregon | Eugene, OR 97403-1260
Direct: 541.346.8209 | Office: 541.346.8316 | Fax: 541.346.7008

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