travelnews: Travel Tips: AirFare Authorization Forms

BAO news for travel administrators travelnews at
Thu Jan 17 16:39:26 PST 2013

Good Afternoon Travel Coordinators -

Due to the New Year's crush of Airfare Authorization Forms coming to the Travel Office I thought it might be a great time to resend this recent TravelTips regarding booking air with our contract travel agencies for your travelers.

***  Please be sure to take one extra minute, review your form, be sure you have filled out each section and verify that you have a business purpose for each of the days of travel.    Fax your form to the Travel Office as this is how we reconcile our monthly credit card statement. ***

Here is the Airfare Authorization Form:

Important Details:

*          No Nicknames.  Please use the traveler's legal name, as it appears on the itinerary.

*         Contact Info:  Who do we call with questions?  Please be sure to fill in contact name and phone number.

*         Little boxes:  please be sure to tick New, Change, Personal Time, etc. so we know the purpose of the transaction

*         Itinerary - Short N Sweet:   Fill in the dates, plus departure and arrival city.  That's plenty!

*         Agency/Agent name -  Please put in  both - we might not know which agency Sue works for.

*         Actual date of Conference/Meeting - Yes!  We really want to know this information. That help establish the Business Purpose.

*         Business Purpose - Make it pretty, please!  We want all the info!  Spell out acronyms, give the dates of business.  If the business dates don't match travel dates, please say why.  Is your traveler a guest?  Say why we are paying for him to travel.  Include a copy of the PSC contract.   Is there personal time?  Please don't make us guess!

*         Price - Total price including the service fee


Your department signature authorizer (box on the left side) needs to have this form on file:   They have been given authorization from a department head to expend funds for the index you are using. Check with us to be sure there is a form on file.  If it has been a few years since the form was submitted, please update your information by filling out a new form.

Travel Agency Authorizer (box on the right):  this is a person who has been given authority to sign and charge airline tickets to the Travel Office credit card.  Get this signature and  fax the form to the travel agency and fax a copy to travel for the credit card reconciliation  Or send to the Travel Office for a signature and we will fax the agency to finalize the airline ticket.

Deadline:  Once a reservation is made, the price is subject to change until it is ticketed.  Please be sure to fax airfare authorization forms to the Travel Office by 4pm for processing. There is always someone assigned to the fax machine for airfare authorization form processing.  Since there is no Travel Office general email box, please avoid emailing as we cannot guarantee receipt of your email for airfare authorizations.

Related information:

Airline Travel:
When to get comparison quotes:

Have a great week!

Laurie Jacoby, CTC
Travel Manager
Business Affairs Office
University of Oregon
lajacoby at<mailto:lajacoby at>
541-346-3158 - Voice
541-346-8078 - Travel Fax

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