payroll: The PayNews Monthly - September 2021

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Fri Sep 24 16:51:56 PDT 2021

The PayNews Monthly - September 2021


  *   I-9 Completion: Due to UO's return to in-person status, the COVID-19 I-9 exceptions will end on Monday, September 27, 2021. This means all I-9s will need to be completed with in-person physical review of documents. Physical signatures are required for both the employee and employer portions. The Payroll office will also be asking for department assistance in completing a physical review of any employee's I-9 documents that were not done in-person since the exceptions began in March of 2020. If you have employees that completed the I-9 using the exception, please complete a new I-9, review the documents with the employee, and complete all signatures. If the employee is no longer employed by UO, the new I-9 is not required at this time.

  *   Payroll Office Operational Updates:
     *   The Payroll Office has reopened with regular business hours.
     *   In an effort to limit foot traffic, all paper checks, including payday checks, will continue to be sent to the mailing address on file.
     *   Regular monthly earnings statements will return to being delivered to departments via campus mail.
     *   Remind employees to always keep their mailing address updated, sign up for direct deposit, and go paperless for earnings statements via DuckWeb.
     *   Please continue to follow our Payroll Document Submission<> guidelines.

  *   UO COVID-19 Leave: Instructions for reporting the new UO COVID-19 Leave will be coming soon on the Payroll website. For eligibility and usage, please see HR's website here:


  *   Fall New Hires: If you have fall new hires that have not completed their payroll hire documents (W-4s, I-9), please be aware that their pay will likely be delayed. Work with new employees to complete and submit those documents as soon as possible to avoid further delay.

  *   September Terminations: Please notify our office immediately if you become aware of employees who are terminating their appointments or going on leave without pay before September 30, 2021. This includes salaried employees who have insufficient paid leave hours to cover time off. Our office would like to work with you in adjusting the employee's September pay to prevent an overpayment.  You may email (payroll at<mailto:payroll at>) or fax (6-1109) a copy of the termination PRF to the Payroll Office while the original document is en route. Your prompt notification will prevent financial hardship for the employee. You may contact the following payroll staff:
     *   For Faculty & OA pay, Chad, chadh at<mailto:chadh at>, or Cindy, chuie at<mailto:chuie at>
     *   For Classified pay, Mindy, mindy at<mailto:mindy at>
     *   For GE pay, Keri, kbartow1 at<mailto:kbartow1 at>

Upcoming Events

  *   Payroll Deadlines:
     *   October Document Deadline                     October 7
     *   October EPAF Deadline                              October 15
     *   October Time Entry Window                     October 20-22
     *   October Payday                                            October 29

  *   Trainings (Register in MyTrack<>)
     *   HRIS Overview                                              October 5 1:30 - 3:30pm
     *   I-9 Workshop                                                October 6 10:00 - 11:30am
     *   HRIS Time Entry                                            October 6 1:30 - 4:30pm
     *   HRIS Payroll Redistributions (PHAREDS)  October 7 10:00am - 12:00pm
     *   HRIS Electronic Approvals (EPAF)              Contact Cathy McDermond (cathy1 at<mailto:cathy1 at>) to schedule for EPAF Training

Thank you,
The Payroll Office
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