[OLAC-credits] Number of credit annotations by language

Kelley McGrath kelleym at uoregon.edu
Tue Feb 18 08:16:49 PST 2014

I have started doing some more serious analysis of the data and I thought some of you might be interested in this. This chart shows the number of annotations based on the language of the credit (i.e., what you select in the drop down box). All the credits that have nothing but names and maybe some extraneous words are in the "no role specified" category. English is the biggest category since catalogers often provide English language credits for non-English films, plus the 508 and 511 notes are usually in English. And, of course, there are just a lot more English language films and videos in the database. The non-English ones should represent the number of translations that have been done.
Language          # of Annotations
english              26476
no role specified 13575
french               455
spanish             442
chinese             308
swedish             269
german             252
italian                247
portuguese        220
japanese           214
vietnamese        105
estonian            86
arabic               75
russian              72
finnish               64
polish                61
armenian           44
danish               39
norwegian         39
urdu                  31
farsi/Persian      26
hebrew             14
Unknown           13
dutch                12
hindi                 9
korean              9
czech                8
serbian              1
tagalog              1

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