New IACUC tool coming early 2022

V P for Research & Innovation Office vpri at
Mon May 10 09:59:21 PDT 2021

Sent on behalf of Cass Moseley

Dear IACUC Community,

I’m pleased to share with you that the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation (OVPRI) will be implementing a new institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC) tool to support animal research in early 2022. This initiative is part of the phased implementation of the Research Administration Portal (RAP)<>.

What is the Research Administration Portal (RAP)?

The RAP is a suite of integrated tools to support researchers and staff as they work through compliance and administration activities. We launched the RAP IRB module<> this spring to support human subjects research and will further expand its capabilities later this month. The IACUC module is the next component of this suite to be implemented. In the coming years, tools to support activities related to conflicts of interest, effort certification, and grants management will be implemented.

Why a new IACUC tool?

OVPRI currently manages several technology systems, including eAPM the current tool used by investigators and IACUC staff to support animal use protocols. While our existing tools meet our needs, the integrated IACUC tool will better serving our growing research community.

The new RAP tools will offer a single dashboard from which investigators will be able to effectively manage and integrate a range of research compliance activities.  The RAP will significantly enhance our researcher’s ability to streamline processes, thus reducing administrative burden while supporting compliance with federal, state, and other regulations. 

What can I expect from the new IACUC tool?

The new IACUC tool will allow us to adopt more efficient workflows that will help you improve your research capacity and provide a more transparent and seamless workflow. Some features you can expect with the new tool are:

  *   Improved visibility as to where your protocol is in the review process. When you log in, you will easily see if your protocol is in the pre-review state, being reviewed by the IACUC, or in post-review.
  *   Integration with the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS) for easy management of training records and requirements.
  *   Infrastructure for a library of standard substances and procedures that supports IACUC review, versioning, and promoting research lab procedures to standard procedures.
  *   A comprehensive view of research lab teams that includes team members, trainings, substances, procedures, and protocols.

How can I stay informed?

As this implementation progresses, we will share more information with IACUC community. If you would like to receive monthly updates about this effort, please subscribe to the following email list: rap-iacuc-module at<mailto:rap-iacuc-module at> (to subscribe, visit You will also be able to find monthly updates about this project on the research website<>.

If you have any questions or concerns about the new IACUC tool, I invite you to share those by emailing rapinfo at<mailto:rapinfo at>.

I look forward to working with you on the implementation of this new tool. By streamlining our research administration processes, you can spend less time on paperwork and focus more of your energy on your research, scholarship, and creative activities.    



Cass Moseley

Cassandra Moseley
Interim Vice President for Research and Innovation
Research Professor, Institute for a Sustainable Environment
University of Oregon
(541) 346-2090<>

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