di: Free webinar-Origins and Critical Elements of Authentic Direct Instruction Programs

Bryan Wickman bwickman at nifdi.org
Tue Nov 17 08:52:55 PST 2020

Join Kurt Engelmann, President of the National Institute for Direct Instruction (NIFDI), for the informative and interactive webinar—Origins and Critical Elements of Authentic Direct Instruction. 

This free 90-minute interactive session will detail how Siegfried Engelmann developed and refined Authentic Direct Instruction, the most comprehensive and effective system for teaching the widest range of learners.

The features and purpose of the component parts of Authentic DI will be explored in detail. Participants will gain insight into how these features are the basis for Rosenshine’s 10 Principles of Instruction as well as distinct differences. Some of these differences include:
field-tested programs, revised on the basis of field-test results
faultless communication via scripts
student materials that match teacher scripts
procedures for placing students at their skill level
in-program assessments to confirm mastery of skills
NIFDI is based in Eugene, Oregon (USA), and has worked with hundreds of schools around the world. NIFDI is currently partnering with the Midlands Academies Trust and the United Learning Trust to implement Authentic Direct Instruction as well as build internal training capacity in the UK.

Date: December 9, 2020

Time: 9:00am PST / 12:00pm EST / 5:00pm GMT


Register at https://www.nifdi.org/component/eventbooking/free-event/origins-session.html



Bryan Wickman
Outreach Coordinator
bwickman at nifdi.org



New Resource:

Corrective Reading Decoding Animated Board Work Displays

These animated displays eliminate the need to write the board work on a chalkboard or whiteboard. Ideal for distance learning of classroom use!

For more information go to https://www.nifdi.org/store/product/87-crd_boardwork_individual.html



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