di: Video keynote; whole language likely on verge of official comeback (though it never left) in CA

Maureen Graves maureen at maureengraves.com
Wed Jul 29 12:56:49 PDT 2020

Meanwhile, a bill that would greatly weaken reading instruction requirements in CA is well on the way to passage.  It would be very good to contact the sponsors and ask them to back off and members of the Assembly Education Committee, which will be the next stop (and likely last chance to stop the bill).  I will prepare this information and distribute it.    Whole language supporters seem to have done a good job convincing some CA legislators that they are progressive, that phonics is reactionary, and that pressing teachers to learn about reading research has been useless and perhaps harmful.   They need to hear from many people.  I will watch and presumably pass along the keynote address.

SB 614 would delete requirements that credential requirements include:   “(A) Commencing January 1, 1997, satisfactory completion (i) The study of organized, systematic, explicit skills including phonemic awareness, direct, systematic, explicit phonics, and decoding skills..
(ii) A strong literature, language, and comprehension component with a balance of oral and written language;
(iii) Ongoing diagnostic techniques that inform teaching and assessment;
(iv) Early intervention techniques;
(v) Guided practice in a clinical setting.
(B) For purposes of this section, ‘direct, systematic, explicit phonics’ means phonemic awareness, spelling patterns, the direct instruction of sound/symbol codes and practice in connected texts, and the relationship of direct, systematic, explicit phonics to the components set forth in clauses (i) to (v), inclusive, of subparagraph (A).”

Standardized testing is also being reduced or removed (I am trying to figure out the details), on the grounds that it excludes “otherwise qualified candidates from the teaching profession, with a disproportionate impact on male candidates and candidates of color.”

The importance of teaching “foundational reading” would now be handled through standards-based performance evaluations conducted within teacher training programs, with no particular content requirements other than that English learners’ needs to taken into account.

From: di-bounces at lists.uoregon.edu <di-bounces at lists.uoregon.edu> On Behalf Of Bryan Wickman
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2020 11:44 AM
To: DI listserve <di at lists.uoregon.edu>
Subject: di: Video keynote


Earlier this week NIFDI broadcast what would have been long time DI proponent Bill Sower’s National DI Conference opening keynote.
To view the 75 minute presentation go to https://youtu.be/OQ4KRrSgqaw<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001W7DKgpH3Petb8D9SStiKvVT-dZNX7g-qy5Gibsu1-z7p2XMS6cXyzwWPrKxYIefmd5Wk6DLlyBNMzZdxuoZT6dGdpNJsSN20lkLuDL2lJ4xYuxUWNlZo5D-uRCJMWV6JfxPwxPoh3r8Y9VdJ4e1tW9kbN5jgHZgleCQ9q531HWChANJXRk7YyA==&c=QeX1JOCQqePe5iflQXAFnslywBH1P4aVuWkdJVU0PekeCBwmsTPhGQ==&ch=VRPOC_hOSrWY-5lDhaKCEw8e1aED5tAueKAH5q1gqzTx3s7U4n25bA==>
As it says below in my signature, this is a very compelling presentation. Bill clearly articulates a long history of systemic inattention and perhaps at times active obstruction to educating minorities, and solutions to this problem.

I urge each of you to watch this video, and let others know about it. Please help get the word out and post the link to appropriate forums.


Bryan Wickman
Outreach Coordinator
541.556.3068 (cell)
New Resource!
View the recently released video presentation of educator Bill Sower’s keynote, Reason to Hope, Direct Instruction and the Future of our Fragile World. This very compelling presentation traces the history of policies that have directly or indirectly contributed to the continuing plight of undereducated students and provides viewers with a framework on how we can give students the education they truly deserve.
To view the 75 minute presentation go to https://youtu.be/OQ4KRrSgqaw<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001W7DKgpH3Petb8D9SStiKvVT-dZNX7g-qy5Gibsu1-z7p2XMS6cXyzwWPrKxYIefmd5Wk6DLlyBNMzZdxuoZT6dGdpNJsSN20lkLuDL2lJ4xYuxUWNlZo5D-uRCJMWV6JfxPwxPoh3r8Y9VdJ4e1tW9kbN5jgHZgleCQ9q531HWChANJXRk7YyA==&c=QeX1JOCQqePe5iflQXAFnslywBH1P4aVuWkdJVU0PekeCBwmsTPhGQ==&ch=VRPOC_hOSrWY-5lDhaKCEw8e1aED5tAueKAH5q1gqzTx3s7U4n25bA==>

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