di: materials

Lisa Simon lisasimonconsulting at gmail.com
Sun Sep 22 10:36:02 PDT 2019

Hello all,

After many years working with elementary students, I've moved into early
intervention.  Below is a list of the materials I've collected over the
years. If you need any of them, let's be in touch to talk shipping and
"handling" by which I mean a token for the hassle of the shipping. All of
the materials are in good to excellent condition. I hope these goodies all
find good homes. They've done a lot of good.

Thanks so much,

Lisa A. Simon
Developmental Therapist
lisasimonconsulting at gmail.com

Introduction to Direct Instruction
Expressive Writing 1:  Teacher's Presentation Book, 1 Student Workbook
Decoding B1: Teacher's Guide, Teacher Presentation book, 5 Student Books
Decoding B2: Teacher's Guide, Teacher Presentation Book,  4 Student Books
Decoding C: Teacher's Presentation Book, 6 Student Books, 1 Student Workbook
Thinking Basics A: Teacher's Presentation Book, 1 Student Workbook
Corrective Comp B2: Teacher's Presentation Book, Teacher's Guide
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