di: Jobs in Central Florida

Eisele, Mary mary.eisele at mheducation.com
Tue May 28 09:27:59 PDT 2019

Judy – Can you indicate where (which county) in central Florida? Several school districts use Direct Instruction within the state.


From: di-bounces at lists.uoregon.edu <di-bounces at lists.uoregon.edu> On Behalf Of Judy Browning
Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2019 4:29 PM
To: DI at lists.uoregon.edu
Subject: di: Jobs in Central Florida

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I’m new around here.  I’m considering a move to central Florida and am wondering if anyone knows of any schools using DI programs with open teaching or coaching positions. I’m a DI teacher at heart after getting started in the 1990s.  I hope this forum is the place in which to post this inquiry. If not, please accept my apologies.
Thank you in advance.
Judy Browning
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