di: Language For Learning School-Home Link materials for Tokyo ESL program

Christopher Duss duss.christopher at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 14:53:43 PDT 2018

Dear DI List,

I am using *Language For Learning* to teach English to Japanese kids at
Dream Kids Network in Tokyo. The planning pages in the presentation books
have a School-Home Link section, which includes a series of School-Home
Link Newsletters (one for every five lessons) and "Daily Workbook pages
with home-connection direction lines". It isn't clear which, if any, of the
products listed on the McGraw Hill page
these. I would love to track these down if anyone has copies of them or
information about obtaining them.

Separately, if anyone on the list is living in Tokyo it would be great to
meet and discuss the potential for DI here. Or if anyone is visiting and
would like to see DI at work here, I would be happy to set up a school

Thanks for your guidance,
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