di: DI with non, or minimally verbal students

Elissa McKenzie elissa at stlillian.org
Fri Jul 27 03:15:25 PDT 2018

I am an administrator for a small school for children who have
communication and learning challenges.

Our students have diagnoses that include ASD, Down Syndrome, Apraxia of
Speech, Cerebral Palsy, and more...

We have been using Reading Mastery with fair success but feel we can do
better.  In our school, we have the support of Speech Language
Pathologists, ABA providers, OT's and PT's.  We use communication devices
as well as picture boards for communication.  Still, we do find it
difficult to assess the progress for students who are non-verbal or
minimally verbal.

We are very creative with students support, but feel our students are
limited by mastery being dependent on the verbal performance. Is there a
systematic way to assess receptively as well as expressively?

Or, is there a DI program for non or minimally verbal students.

Any support or shared experience is appreciated.

Thank you
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