cash: Departmental Deposit procedures

Campus Cash Handlers cash at
Wed Jun 11 13:34:02 PDT 2014

Cashiers is considering making a change to our Departmental Deposit procedures. The proposed change, beginning 07/01/14, is that departments are only required to deliver TWO copies of the Departmental Deposit form to Cashiers. One copy will be stamped and returned to the department immediately, as a verification of the deposit. The second copy will remain in Cashiers.

If you have concerns about not receiving the third copy back in campus mail with the receipt number stamped on it, or you would like to see if the deposit has been processed, you can view that information in Banner.

There are several ways to look up your receipt number. I recommend using the form TWIDEPO. In that form you can perform a search based on the deposit number (EX 1) OR your Department (EX 2).

[cid:image001.jpg at 01CF8579.06ABE7A0]

Once in TWIDEPO you will see all current unprocessed deposits.
EX 1) To perform a query you press F7 or the ? button in Banner, then type in the deposit number of the deposit that you are looking up, D00***** (ex: D0039130).

[cid:image009.jpg at 01CEB387.C60A3E40]

Then press F8 or the "execute query" button.  The receipt number for that specific deposit will show up.

[cid:image009.png at 01CE8177.B7E78DA0]

EX 2)  To look up your deposit by Department:
Use the form TWIDEPO, and hit F7 or the ? to query, and tab over to the Department column.
Enter in your Department code.

[cid:image004.jpg at 01CF8579.06ABE7A0]

[cid:image005.png at 01CF8579.06ABE7A0]Then press F8 or the execute button to retrieve your receipt number.
NOTE: searching on your Department will  list all of the deposits that your Department has ever created. If you are looking for a specific deposit you may want to narrow your search.

If you have any questions about this process, need assistance in looking up a receipt number, or you would like to provide some feedback on this proposal, please feel free to contact Cashiers (6-3154) or the Cashiers mailbox at cashiers at<mailto:cashiers at> .

Mike Syljuberget
Cashiers Manager-Business Affairs Office
University of Oregon
(541) 346-3164

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