[Cas-allemps] CAS Shared Services - Newsletter update and survey reminder

CAS-Shared Services cassharedservices at uoregon.edu
Thu Apr 14 14:43:25 PDT 2022

Good afternoon,

First of all, we would like to remind everyone of the Change Management survey which closes tomorrow at midnight. Please follow the link here<https://oregon.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9oaaJ2piXHcDts2>, to be taken to the survey. Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback thus far! The data we gather from these surveys is invaluable to the continuous improvement of the CAS Shared Services project.

Second, there will be no newsletter today. You may have noticed that the past two newsletters have been lean in content outside of the survey reminders, repeat FAQs, and some potential workflows. In recognition of the value of everyone’s time, we decided since we have no new updates for the CAS community this week we would simply send out this email. We assure you that there are ongoing conversations and tasks happening in regards to shared services, but no new information that requires feedback or announcement at this time.

Please look for the newsletter next Thursday and as always, we encourage you to view the continuously updated website here<https://cassharedservices.uoregon.edu/>, and email cassharedservices at uoregon.edu<mailto:cassharedservices at uoregon.edu> with any questions or feedback.

Danielle McCarville on behalf of the Change Management Subcommittee

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