[Cas-allemps] Coronavirus Info Summary for CAS Departments

CAS Dean casdean at uoregon.edu
Mon Mar 9 10:21:17 PDT 2020

UO Coronavirus Updates --> https://www.uoregon.edu/coronavirus <-- UO Coronavirus Updates

Dear CAS faculty, staff, and GEs,

As we all work to respond to the spread of the coronavirus in the Pacific Northwest and elsewhere with caution, good sense, and compassion, I'd like to take this opportunity to summarize for CAS colleagues the many communications we received from the UO over the past week.

Above and below is the link to the UO's coronavirus updates website, where you'll find official campus information, a library of messages, and a list of resources that will be indispensable to you as you plan the next few weeks and spring term.

Given the fast-changing flow of information we received last week, I would like to distill some of the most important points:

  1.  Any decisions about campus closures will come at the direction of, and in coordination with, the Oregon Health Authority, working through county health departments and in collaboration with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

  1.  The Academic Council announced expectations and guidelines for instructors on March 5 that included
     *   the requirement that faculty use their course Canvas site for communications with students
     *   the requirement to use Canvas for Spring-term courses and for the duration of the academic disruption
     *   the requirement to refrain from asking students for documentation about absences while also providing make-up opportunities or alternatives to exams
     *   the instruction that instructors cannot cancel courses on their own. At present, campus is continuing courses as scheduled. Any decision to cancel courses will be made centrally
     *   the request to begin considering options for remote teaching next term in the case that campus is closed

The Academic Council also laid out a number of expectations about working with supervisors, communicating clearly with students about any changes to the course plan, and many other critical issues.  Please read the Council's "Academic continuity planning, expectations, and guidelines" (https://provost.uoregon.edu/academic-continuity-planning-expectations-and-guidelines).

  1.  To help adhere to the requirements above, the UO is offering a series of Canvas training sessions beginning this week.  The schedule is here: https://provost.uoregon.edu/canvas-trainings-academic-continuity-preparations.

  1.  Again, the University coronavirus updates site (https://www.uoregon.edu/coronavirus) has a wealth of information organized as follows:
*         Questions and Concerns web form (for quick responses to specific questions and concerns: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/2920fb6d403f437989053a3eacb8bad9)
*         Prevention (list of best practices and link to Information about COVID-19)
*         Health Support (links for Eugene Students, Portland Students, and OIMB Students)
*         Frequently Asked Questions (links to FAQs on Health and Wellness, Prevention, University Operations, Academics and Classes, Travel and Study Abroad, and Human Resources)
*         Messages and News (contains links to campus letters and announcements by date and title)
*         Travel Advisories (by country, study abroad program, and research travel)
*         Resources (with links grouped under (a) Federal, Local, and State; (b) Campus; and (c) Travel and Study Abroad categories)

Thanks to all of our faculty and staff for your efforts to continue educating our students and maintaining our research activity in a time of unprecedented challenge and uncertainty.  Please let us know how we can help.



Bruce Blonigen
Tykeson Dean
College of Arts and Sciences

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