buyers: 2016 Risk Summit - Registration Open

Holly Stutz hss at
Tue Feb 9 12:05:07 PST 2016

2016 Risk Summit
March 10, 2016
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Ford Alumni Center ballroom

At the University of Oregon, we're promoting a risk aware culture without creating a risk-adverse climate.  To learn more, please join us for the third annual Risk Summit on March 10, 2016.
Safety and Risk Services is hosting a one-day seminar facilitated with campus partners to provide a series of interactive, collaborative workshops and presentations.  Topics will focus on compliance, risk awareness, and mitigation strategies to effectively manage common areas of risk across campus.
Join us for a day of learning, dialogue and networking.  Lunch will be provided.
Topics include:

  *   Incident Management Team: Lessons learned at UCC and our preparation
  *   Business Continuity: Planning for the known and unknown disruptions
  *   Authority and Accountability
  *   Top 5 safety inspection finds: Why are they risky?
  *   Campus Mapping and Visual Resource: UO spaces
Please register today and encourage colleagues to join as well.

Julie Brown
Campus Relations Director
Safety and Risk Services
University of Oregon
julbrown at<mailto:julbrown at>

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