[Andalusi Studies] Alvarus in Spanish?

Jose Martinez Delgado pdelgado at ugr.es
Mon Jul 31 11:23:07 PDT 2023

Dear Dwight

There is a Spanish translation by Feliciano de León with a Latin edition 
in https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/libro?codigo=156554

I'm not very convinced by it, but that's what we have for the moment. I 
know the passage well because I have used it in my work on Andalusi 
Hebrew metrics. Federico Corriente discussed this passage in his book 

I hope I have been helpful. I am not in Spain at the moment and cannot 
send you pictures of those passages, but if you still can't find them in 
September, write to me again and I will be happy to send you what you 
are looking for.

Best regards

José Martínez Delgado
Dep. de Estudios Semíticos, 11
Fac. de Filosofía y Letras
Campus Universitario de Cartuja
Granada 18071
Tfno. + 34 958 243 577
Fax + 34 958 243 583

Sefarad. Revistas de estudios hebraicos y sefardíes. Director

Martínez Delgado, J., Montaner Frutos, A., & Ashur, A. (2023). A Newly
Discovered Autograph of Maimonides: A Judaeo-Arabic Glossary with 
Romance Glosses (T-S NS 163.57). Sefarad, 83(1), 7–77.

Martínez Delgado, J. (2023) An Introduction to Andalusi Hebrew Metrics.
Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers. https://doi.org/10.11647/OBP.0351

Martínez Delgado, J. (2023). "Chapter 14 The Jews of Cordoba". In A
Companion to Late Antique and Medieval Islamic Cordoba. Leiden, The
Netherlands: Brill. doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004524156_015

Martínez Delgado, J., & Ashur, A. (2021). A Previously Unpublished 
of Introduction by an Andalusi Karaite (T-S 8J41.7). Miscelánea De
Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Hebreo, 70, 193–207.

Martínez Delgado, J. (2020). Kitāb al-mustalḥaq by Ibn Ǧanāḥ of
Cordoba. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. doi:

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El 2023-07-31 18:09, Dwight Reynolds escribió:
> Dear Colleagues,
> Could someone please direct me to a published Spanish translation of 
> the
> famous Letter of Paulus Alvarus (Paul Albar) from Cordoba, or, if not 
> the
> entire letter, at least to the passages I describe below?
> I primarily need a Spanish version of the passage where Alvarus 
> complains
> that young men of his day do not know how to compose a letter in Latin
> correctly, but do know how to compose poetry in Arabic, and, if 
> possible,
> the following paragraph, in which he describes Arabic poetry and rhyme.
> I have used the original Latin and different English translations in 
> many
> lectures and a few publications, but I now wish to examine this passage 
> in
> a Spanish-language seminar and would like to use a published Spanish
> translation, if possible, rather than a Spanish translation that I have
> done myself.
> Many thanks,
> Dwight
> ******************************************************************
> Dwight F. Reynolds, Distinguished Professor
> Arabic Language &  Literature
> Department of Religious Studies
> University of California, Santa Barbara
> <dreynold at ucsb.edu>
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