[Andalusi Studies] Alvarus in Spanish?

Dwight Reynolds dreynold at religion.ucsb.edu
Mon Jul 31 10:09:03 PDT 2023

Dear Colleagues,

Could someone please direct me to a published Spanish translation of the
famous Letter of Paulus Alvarus (Paul Albar) from Cordoba, or, if not the
entire letter, at least to the passages I describe below?

I primarily need a Spanish version of the passage where Alvarus complains
that young men of his day do not know how to compose a letter in Latin
correctly, but do know how to compose poetry in Arabic, and, if possible,
the following paragraph, in which he describes Arabic poetry and rhyme.

I have used the original Latin and different English translations in many
lectures and a few publications, but I now wish to examine this passage in
a Spanish-language seminar and would like to use a published Spanish
translation, if possible, rather than a Spanish translation that I have
done myself.

Many thanks,

Dwight F. Reynolds, Distinguished Professor
Arabic Language &  Literature
Department of Religious Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara
<dreynold at ucsb.edu>
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