[Andalusi Studies] Exeter "majlis"

Dwight Reynolds dreynold at religion.ucsb.edu
Tue Feb 28 06:39:01 PST 2023

Dear Andalusi scholars,

Some of you may be interested in this online presentation (Monday, March 6):

Dear Colleagues,

We’d like to invite you to the next online Monday Majlis of the Centre for
the Study of Islam, Exeter:

*Monday the 6th of March, 17:00-18:30 (UK time) *

*Dwight F. Reynolds, **Behind Enemy Lines: Muslim and Jewish Musicians in
post-**Reconquista Christian Lands**. *

*Monday Majlis*

*Registration is required. Register please on this link:*

[image: A picture containing text Description automatically generated]


As Christian forces conquered more and more Muslim-ruled territories in the
13th to 16th centuries, some aspects of Arab and Jewish culture were
appropriated and others violently eradicated.  One surprising element in
this maelstrom of cultural exchanges and transformations is the continued
presence of Muslim and Jewish musicians in Christian courts, as municipally
hired performers, in Christian festivals and processions, and in the
Iberian countryside.  This talk surveys what we know about the lives of
these musicians who lived and performed “behind enemy lines,” and asks what
their lives can tell us about music in medieval and early modern Iberia as
a whole.

[image: A person in a suit in front of a book shelf Description
automatically generated with medium confidence]


Dwight F. Reynolds is Distinguished Professor of Arabic language and
literature at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he has
taught since 1991.  He has authored, co-authored, and edited books on the
Arabic oral epic tradition of *Sīrat Banī Hilāl,* pre-modern Arabic
autobiography, folklore of the Arab World, musics of the Middle East,
popular literature in the late medieval/early modern period, and, most
recently, the history of Andalusian music and medieval Arab music and
musicians.  His book, *The Musical Heritage of al-Andalus
2021) received both the 2022 *Premio del Rey *prize for early Spanish
history from the American Historical Association and the 2022 *Early Music*
prize from the American Musicological Society.


In the spirit of the label ‘Majlis’ and also to make the talks even more
interesting, we are experimenting with a new format presenting the topic
discussed by our speaker as embedded in their own research journey. Please
come and enjoy the talks and the discussions. If you’d like to be included
in the CSI (Centre for the Study of Islam (Institute of Arab and Islamic
Studies, University of Exeter) mailing list, please contact the CSI
Manager: Sarah Wood (s.a.wood2 at exeter.ac.uk).

We’ll be happy to welcome you!


Dr István T Kristó-Nagy

Senior Lecturer in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Director of the Centre for the Study of Islam

Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies

University of Exeter

Stocker Road



United Kingdom
Dwight F. Reynolds, Distinguished Professor
Arabic Language &  Literature
Department of Religious Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara
<dreynold at ucsb.edu>
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