[Andalusi Studies] Juan Martos Quesada, Historiografía andalusí
Javier Albarran Iruela
javier.albarran at uam.es
Sat Dec 31 03:41:27 PST 2022
Dear colleagues,
As Dwight says, the book by Juan Martos is a fantastic tool and handbook for all those who want to approach the study of the textual sources used to write the history of the medieval Islamic West, written with the experience of a whole career dedicated to the study and teaching of the Andalusi world. It is, in short, a very needed work, for Arabists and, above all, medievalists, and it will become a work of reference.
On the other hand, the book is also very important since it is the first volume of a new book series called "Al-Andalus", published by the Spanish Society of Medieval Studies (together with the CSIC and the University of Extremadura). In this way, Andalusi studies gain for the first time a space of their own in the most important association of medievalists in Spain, an issue that helps to erase the division that has traditionally existed between Spanish Arabism and medievalism. If anyone wants more information about this book series or is interested in submitting a manuscript, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Nueva publicación de la SEEM: «Historiografía andalusí. Manual de fuentes árabes para la historia de al-Andalus», de Juan Martos Quesada – Sociedad Española de Estudios Medievales - medievalistas.es<https://medievalistas.es/nueva-publicacion-de-la-seem-historiografia-andalusi-manual-de-fuentes-arabes-para-la-historia-de-al-andalus-de-juan-martos-quesada/>
Cuota Anual. Información. Directorio; Junta Directiva; Estatutos; Boletines electrónicos; Revista Medievalismo
All the best for the New Year
Dr. Javier Albarrán
Assistant Professor
Medieval Islamic History
Departamento de Historia Antigua, Medieval y Paleografía y
Diplomática, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Autónoma de
C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 1, 28049. Módulo II, despacho 3.8.
De: andalusi_studies-bounces at lists.uoregon.edu <andalusi_studies-bounces at lists.uoregon.edu> en nombre de Dwight Reynolds <dreynold at religion.ucsb.edu>
Enviado: viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2022 17:49
Para: Maribel Fierro <maribel.fierro at cchs.csic.es>
Cc: andalusi_studies at lists.uoregon.edu <andalusi_studies at lists.uoregon.edu>
Asunto: Re: [Andalusi Studies] Juan Martos Quesada, Historiografía andalusí
Dear Colleagues,
I have just downloaded both volumes of this work and spent about an hour skimming through them -- this is an extraordinarily valuable contribution to the field. Kudos and thanks to Juan Martos Quesada for producing this remarkable publication.
And thank you, Marilbel, for posting this.
Best wishes to all for the New Year,
Dwight F. Reynolds, Distinguished Professor
Arabic Language & Literature
Department of Religious Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara
<dreynold at ucsb.edu<mailto:dreynold at ucsb.edu>>
On Thu, Dec 29, 2022 at 12:14 PM Maribel Fierro <maribel.fierro at cchs.csic.es<mailto:maribel.fierro at cchs.csic.es>> wrote:
Buenas tardes, se ha publicado la obra en dos volúmenes de
Juan Martos Quesada, Historiografía andalusí. Manual de fuentes árabes para la historia de al-Andalus, 2 vols., Cáceres, Sociedad Española de Estudios Medievales-Univ. Extremadura-CSIC, 2022
que se puede descargar en
Maribel Fierro
Andalusi_Studies mailing list
Andalusi_Studies at lists.uoregon.edu<mailto:Andalusi_Studies at lists.uoregon.edu>
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