[Andalusi Studies] New book on Jihad and memory in al-Andalus

ENEKO LOPEZ eneko.lopezm at ehu.eus
Fri Feb 19 06:17:21 PST 2021

Dear Dr. Javier Albarrán,

Thank you very much for the announcement of the publication of your  
interesting book. I will buy it soon. Those who has already read it  
have told me of its great importance, as it is a step forward in the  
knowledge of the holy war in al-Andalus and its comparison with the  
memory of the first military conflicts of Islam, but not only that: I  
am sure that the cross-cultural relations with Christian Northern  
Iberia will be much better understood with the reading of your book.

All the best,

Eneko López Martínez de Marigorta

Assistant Professor at the University of the Basque Country


ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3713-9834

javier.albarran at uam.es escribió:

> Dear colleagues,
> In case you are interested, I am pleased to announce the publication  
> of my new book, entitled Ejércitos benditos. Yihad y memoria en  
> al-Andalus (siglos X-XIII). It analyzes, from different perspectives  
> such as the legitimation of power, ritualization or phenomenology,  
> the discourses of holy war that were displayed in the Islamic West,  
> and their link with the memory of the first battles of Islam. I hope  
> you find it useful.
> Please, find attached the cover page.
> You can find more details in the following link:
> https://editorial.ugr.es/static/Emanagement/*/detalle_libro/ejercitos-benditos
> Stay safe and all the best
> -- 
> Javier Albarrán Iruela
> https://javieralbarran.academia.edu
> Medieval Islamic History
> Postdoctoral Research Fellow - DFG Center for Advanced Study  
> "RomanIslam. Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural  
> Studies". Universität Hamburg.
> Coordinador del seminario Historia y Religión de la UAM
> https://seminariohistoriayreligionuam.wordpress.com/
> Editor de al-Andalus y la Historia
> http://www.alandalusylahistoria.com

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