[Andalusi Studies] PRESENTATION OF THE BOOK "Merchants, Craftsmen and Ulama"

ENEKO LOPEZ eneko.lopezm at ehu.eus
Mon Nov 2 01:57:15 PST 2020

Dear colleagues,

I hope that you and your loved ones are doing well within the unusual  
context we are living in. I am Dr. Eneko López Martínez de Marigorta,  
Assistant Professor at the University of the Basque Country. I have  
just published the book "Mercaderes, Artesanos y Ulemas. Las Ciudades  
de las Coras de Ilbīra y Pechina en Época Omeya (Merchants, Craftsmen  
and Ulama. The Cities of the Regions of Ilbīra and Pechina during the  
Umayyad period)” at the UJA Editorial. Focusing on the south-east of  
al-Andalus, the book analyses in detail the socio-economic and  
political dynamics that drove the transition from the Visigothic rural  
and Christian society to the Andalusian one characterised by  
Arab-Islamisation, urban flourishing and trans-Mediterranean trade.  
Please find attached the abstract, the cover and the back cover. You  
can find more information on the following website:  

This Friday, November 6th at 12:00 from Chile (16:00 from Spain) I  
will make an online presentation of the book at the Sociedad Chilena  
de Estudios Medievales. It will be introduced by Eduardo Manzano  
(CSIC) and presented by Diego Melo (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez). You  
are all invited to attend this presentation, and any contribution,  
suggestion or criticism you may have of the book is very welcome.

I wish you a good start to the week.
Yours faithfully,

Dr. Eneko López Martínez de Marigorta
Assistant Professor of Economic History
Faculty of Arts, University of the Basque Country

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