[Andalusi Studies] Petition for public ownership of Mosque of Córdoba

Francisco A. Marcos Marín fammdl at gmail.com
Mon May 4 11:12:37 PDT 2015

The Cathedral of Cordoba was a Christian religious building before 711. The Mosque was preserved, precisely because the Cathedral was built as part of the building, which had been built over the San Vicente church. Compare with what happened in Seville and other places. The Cathedral has never ever been a public building.

The Catholic Church has taken and is taking good care of the building, and guarantees access to it to anybody, independently of their beliefs.

It is commendable to study many aspects of the building which has nothing to do with the reduced muslim space. The Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, for instance, was buried there and the chapel where he was buried still stands. And do not think that I do not care deeply: I had for several months a strong discussion with the Cathedral Dean, because the Inca has left money in order to keep a lamp  permanently lighting in the chapel, and apparently nobody was taking care of it. They paid attention to my well documented remarks and put a lamp where it should be.

As I said, before signing for things that you do not know well, particularly when it is not your country, try to learn about them.

Do not mess with the cathedral, please.


Francisco A. Marcos Marín, PhD

Professor of Linguistics

University of Texas at San Antonio

 <mailto:fammdl at gmail.com> mailto:fammdl at gmail.com 

 <http://fmarcosmarin.blogspot.com/> http://fmarcosmarin.blogspot.com/

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