[Andalusi Studies] Manuscript search 'The Consolation of the Sovereign'

Sarah bin Tyeer sbtyeer at gmail.com
Sat Apr 5 02:05:42 PDT 2014

Dear Colleagues,

Many thanks for all the generous and detailed replies I received.  Truly

With best wishes,

On 4 April 2014 11:02, Sarah bin Tyeer <sbtyeer at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Andalusiyyin Colleagues,
> I am writing to ask about a 16th century work by a Morisco entitled 'The
> Consolation of the Sovereign.'  It is mentioned amongst the very few that
> have survived along *hadith bayad wa riyad *and the treatise on astronomy
> by al-Sufi.  I cannot seem to find any information on it, even its Arabic
> title, where it is located, kept, etc.
> All help is appreciated.
> With best wishes,
> Sarah
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