travelnews: BEWARE! Do not use a BOOKMARKED Airfare Authorization link!

BAO news for travel administrators travelnews at
Thu Jan 5 17:14:14 PST 2017

Very Important!

Please do not use a browser bookmark to access the Airfare Authorization Request form!

A recent upgrade to will affect the functionality of any bookmarked link to this form. You may have problems saving and sending your requests for signature authorization.   Or your information may populate onto an incorrect form and will not be directed to be authorized and ticketed.

When entering an Airfare Authorization, follow these steps:

*       Access the Airfare Authorization Request form by going to BAO Travel Office website at You can find the form under either Common Activities or the Forms sections.

*       OR navigate directly to, scroll to the Travel Forms, then Airfare Authorization Request form. Click the "open" button on the left to enter a new airfare request.

Please contact Brooke 6-3445 or Laurie 6-3158 with any questions.

Thank you,

Laurie Jacoby, CTC
Travel Manager
Business Affairs Office
University of Oregon
lajacoby at<mailto:lajacoby at>
**  Business Affairs is now located at the Thompson University Center.  More information here<>.

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