travelnews: Travel Round Table Tomorrow!-Guest Travel From Start to Finish

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Tue Oct 27 12:35:14 PDT 2020

To UO Concur Delegates and Travel Administrators:
Monthly Concur Roundtable
The UO Travel Office hosts a monthly Concur Roundtable for Concur travel delegates and travelers on the last Wednesday of each month. It’s an opportunity to meet your peers and share best practices, stay informed about changes and updates, and provide feedback related to Concur and UO travel.
Date: Wednesday, October 28th, 2020  **  Time: 11:00 AM to Noon
Topic:  Planning and Paying for Guest Travel UO departments invite many guests to campus to volunteer, to give talks and presentations, to collaborate with faculty, and to provide a myriad of services to the UO. Please join the Travel Office and a panel of campus experts to discuss best practices when inviting a guest to campus. Make planning guest visits a breeze from start to finish!
Topics include:

  *   Required forms and documentation to get from the start
  *   Considerations for volunteers
  *   Finding existing guest vendor information in Banner and requesting new vendor set-up
  *   When to create a contract or services PO
  *   How to plan travel-who is going to pay for what, how, and when
  *   Tax reporting for guest service providers (form 1099, etc.)
Presenters: Lisa Taylor of Safety and Risk Services, Carmela Kortum and Serina Dugan from Business Affairs Accounts Payable, Laura Harris and Holly Stutz from Purchasing and Contracting Services, and Joy Germack, Senior Tax Analyst from the Business Affairs Office
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 913 6387 9902
Passcode: 228472
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Meeting ID: 913 6387 9902
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Brooke Millett Montgomery
Travel Program Technician
University of Oregon Travel Office
(541) 346-3445
bmillett at<mailto:bmillett at>

**  If your travel involves human subjects research, please do not disclose any information that is protected under UO Policy and other Regulations​**<**>

Travel Office/Concur Help Desk: Phone: 6-3100/Email: travel at<mailto:travel at>

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