travelnews: New Employee Moving Expense Workshop - Tomorrow

BAO news for travel administrators travelnews at
Wed Nov 13 13:16:47 PST 2013

Good Afternoon Travel Coordinators -

We have a few seats left for our New Employee Moving Expense workshop tomorrow - Thursday, Nov. 14 from 2-4 pm.  Go to Making Tracks for self registration:  (course search keyword:  Moving)

Please join us in the BAO Conference Room -  135 Oregon Hall, to review how to process a new employee relocation reimbursement.  We will discuss communication tools available for your new employee, moving policy, which forms to use, and taxable versus non taxable expenses and account codes.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Laurie Jacoby, CTC
Travel Manager
Business Affairs Office
University of Oregon
lajacoby at<mailto:lajacoby at>
541-346-3158 - Voice
541-346-8078 - Travel Fax

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