IACUC Module Project - January Update

Research Administration Portal rapinfo at uoregon.edu
Tue Jan 18 08:33:57 PST 2022


The Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation (OVPRI) is implementing a new institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC) tool to support animal research in late summer 2022. This initiative is part of the phased implementation of the Research Administration Portal (RAP)<https://research.uoregon.edu/manage/research-administration-portal>.

PROJECT STATUS: The project timeline has been extended to a late summer 2022 go-live.


  *   User testing preparation


  *   User testing execution
     *   User testing will be running from January 18 through January 28.
     *   User testing is being completed by a handful of animal researchers and IACUC staff.
     *   The goal of user testing is to verify that the system operates as expected before moving the system into the live environment. Its purpose is to validate the end-to-end business flow by walking through real-world scenarios, identify any issues that need to be corrected prior to go-live, and help inform training.
  *   Library of standard procedures
     *   The project team is working to consolidate a library of standard procedures that will be used in the new system.


  *   Training and support
     *   In the coming months, Animal Welcome Services will be developing and building adequate support resources for the new system.
  *   Migration of protocol and personnel training records
     *   Prior to go-live of the new system, protocol and personnel training records will be migrated from eAPM to the new IACUC system.
     *   Investigators and their teams will need to fully populate and validate protocols in the new system after go-live and prior to any protocol amendments or modifications.


  *   If you have any questions or comments about this project or the changes the new IACUC module will introduce, please email rapinfo at uoregon.edu.

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