IACUC Module Project - September Update

Research Administration Portal rapinfo at uoregon.edu
Mon Sep 20 11:29:16 PDT 2021


The Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation (OVPRI) is implementing a new institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC) tool to support animal research in early 2022. This initiative is part of the phased implementation of the Research Administration Portal (RAP)<https://research.uoregon.edu/manage/research-administration-portal>.  



  *   A communication from Jim Slattery, Associate Vice President for Research Operations, was sent to the IACUC community on 8/27.

     *   This communication provided an update about the project, next steps, and a link to a webpage<https://research.uoregon.edu/sneak-peak-new-iacuc-tool> with screenshots of what the new system will look like.

  *   The final system requirements have been approved.


  *   System development

     *   The project team has started working with the vendor on an iterative system configuration process.

     *   Each iteration will be tested by the project team.

     *   System development will continue over the next few months.


  *   User testing preparation

     *   In advance of user testing that is scheduled to begin in November, the project team will begin the process for preparing for this activity.

     *   If you are interested in participating in user testing, email your interest to rapinfo at uoregon.edu

  *   Training preparation

     *   The project team will put together a training strategy that will outline when and how training for the IACUC module will be delivered to users closer to the go-live date.


  *   If you have any questions or comments about this project or the changes the new IACUC module will introduce, please email rapinfo at uoregon.edu.
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