[OLAC-credits] Looking for help with categorization of roles

Kelley McGrath kelleym at uoregon.edu
Sun Feb 8 15:21:49 PST 2015

I would like to start working on more systematically categorizing the roles that we've collected. I'm looking for people to help me. It's probably easiest to start with the English-language ones, but we'll have to do all the languages.

I have put up a google docs spreadsheet listing all the English roles. Right now, I'm interested in:

1. Category: a broad category into which the role falls (production, direction). We will probably also want narrower categories later, but it seems best to start here.

2. Participant or crew: whether the role is for a participant/performer, for a crew member or whether it is unclear (keeping in mind that the computer will have nothing but the words to go on)

3. Collaboration: whether the role includes some words indicating collaboration. I am not looking for things like "co-production," but rather things like "in association with" or just "with." I think I want to treat these differently.

4. Bad diacritic: whether or not the role contains a mangled diacritic. I don't think this will apply very often (if at all) to the English ones so it's not necessary to fill it out unless the answer is yes or maybe.

5. Typo correction. Provide the correct spelling for things that are misspelled or have incorrect diacritics. This will help us match up all the variations of one role so we can be sure to be consistent.

6. Notes: any comments or questions related to the role

The spreadsheet is at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CVNRuj43xxtxim8XSAYd9NDOf77SoEM5B3JqXGhtk3A or http://tinyurl.com/oejedbn If you can think of anything that would be useful to know that I haven't included, let me know.

I have taken a stab at some of the first ones, but am not completely satisfied with it. Some of the ones at the beginning are more difficult.

If you would like to help out, let me know or just go to the page. It's not necessary to do them all in order. It's fine to cherry pick or just start with the easier ones.

I hope that we can have some discussion of this on the list as people start looking at the roles.



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