mriconvert: using mriconvert in a larger project

Siddharth Srivastava siddys at
Wed Dec 20 08:22:43 PST 2017

Hi all,
     I wanted to use mriconvert as a part of a larger project to implement
conversion part. My development environment is Visual studio 14. Currently,
I have been
able to gain some ground in compiling mriconvert from source, with the
exception of getting
the wxWidgets dependencies fully worked out. I develop within a Hospital
network, and
it is not very easy to get everything I need on demand, and solutions like
vcpkg etc. do not
work as advertised all the time (or, I do not have much expertise with
     Regarding this, I had the following questions:
1) Is there a version available that is independent of wxwidgets? From what
I have understood by reading through the code, there are lot of references
to wxString for a non-gui based part of the
code, which, I think, can be replaced by std::string. Is this correct?
Essentially I want to make the command line part of the code independent of
this dependency. Is there a version of mriconvert available, or has someone
able to do this? I would be happy to get this, or some switch to build only
the non-gui part without the widgets.
2) some help with accelerating my code reading: which part of the code base
should i concentrate on for understanding the dicom conversion part,
specially where does the code determine the specific dicom type to convert?

I have used the command line mriconvert almost exclusively for all my dicom
needs, and i think
it is really versatile. I think It would be great if I can include it in my
current project.


Siddharth Srivastava, PhD
Functional Neurosurgery Bioengineer,
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center - Dept. of Neurosurgery
1150 Veterans Blvd., Redwood City, CA. 94063
(650) 299 2251
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