di: Cursive Writing a Direct Instruction Program

Charlene Tolles-Engelmann c.tollesengelmann at ebc-ed.com
Wed Jun 12 15:41:38 PDT 2024

In response to Diane Grabowski's inquiry - *Engelmann-Becker Corp has been
working with MH to reactivate the IP for the Cursive Writing TPB!*

Engelmann-Becker Corp
[image: 📣] Exciting Announcement! [image: 📚] Engelmann-Becker Corp. is
thrilled to share that McGraw-Hill is reactivating the IP for the Teacher
Presentation Book of Cursive Writing, A Direct Instruction Program! [image:
🎉] Starting this Fall 2024, educators will once again have the opportunity
to purchase this essential resource, designed to enhance and streamline the
teaching of cursive writing. This program offers clear, effective
strategies to guide students through the intricacies of cursive, ensuring
they develop the skills they need with confidence and precision. We will
notify you as soon as it is available. Purchases can be made directly
through McGraw Hill's website. Stay tuned for more details. #McGrawHill
<https://x.com/hashtag/McGrawHill?src=hashtag_click> #CursiveWriting
<https://x.com/hashtag/CursiveWriting?src=hashtag_click> #DirectInstruction
<https://x.com/hashtag/DirectInstruction?src=hashtag_click> #Education
<https://x.com/hashtag/Education?src=hashtag_click> #Fall2024
<https://x.com/hashtag/Fall2024?src=hashtag_click> #Engelmann

[image: CW_Available_Fall_2024.png]

----- Forwarded Message -----
*From:* DIANE M GRABOWSKI <dianemgrab at gmail.com>
*To:* "di at lists.uoregon.edu" <di at lists.uoregon.edu>
*Sent:* Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at 01:22:45 PM PDT
*Subject:* di: DI Cursive Writing

Dear Listmates,

It looks like SRA Cursive Writing (A Direct Instruction Program) Teacher
Presentation Book is no longer available through McGraw-Hill Publications.
Interesting that they’re still selling the student workbooks, but not the
teacher presentation book. Does that mean the workbooks are to be used
without the teacher presentation book? I wouldn’t think so.

I scoured the Internet and have come up empty-handed trying to find a used
teacher presentation book. Please let me know if you have any leads or if
anyone has one they’re not using; I’d be interested in borrowing or

Best regards,
Diane in PA
di mailing list
di at lists.uoregon.edu

[image: photo]

Charlene Tolles-Engelmann
Director of Admin & Operations, Engelmann-Becker Corp | Funnix.com |

541-485-1163  |  ebc-ed.com  |  c.tollesengelmann at ebc-ed.com

72B Centennial Loop, Suite 300 | Eugene Oregon 97401
<https://maps.google.com/?q=72B Centennial Loop, Suite 300 | Eugene Oregon
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