di: Noel Pearson's webinar on The Power of Direct Instruction
Kurt Engelmann
kengel at nifdi.org
Tue Aug 20 11:08:52 PDT 2024
By request, here's what I posted to LinkedIn about Noel Pearson's webinar.
Best regards,
McGraw Hill Europe/Middle East & Africa sponsored an important webinar
featuring @Noel Pearson, founder and director of Good to Great Schools
Australia (GGSA), a not-for-profit organization that promotes effective
instructional practices in Australia. The webinar, The Power of Direct
Instruction, can be accessed on YouTube at https://bit.ly/4doPGea.
Find a written summary at https://bit.ly/4d84WMO.
Noel makes cogent point after cogent point about DI, and he approaches each
point in his own unique style. He provides a summary of some of the most
salient points from the following resources:
• Theory of Instruction: Principles and applications
• Rubric for Identifying Authentic Direct Instruction Programs
• The Dalmatian and Its Spots: Why Research-Based Recommendations Fail
Logic 101
Two sets of graphics drive home key points:
1. Starting at minute 24, graphics show how S. Engelmann’s behavioral
approach produced insights on cognitive learning that correspond completely
to the approach produced by Cognitive Science.
2. The normal curves starting around minute 36 illustrate how DI, when
properly implemented, improves the performance of all students. No one is
left behind as all students’ performance is maximized.
The last point about DI’s potential to improve the performance of all
students cannot be overemphasized. Implementing DI schoolwide for core
instruction is much more straightforward from a logistical standpoint than
implementing DI as an intervention or a supplement, and it allows schools
to meet the needs of all learners. In contrast, implementing DI as an
intervention or supplement to another core can be logistically challenging
as it involves arranging for a separate intervention time with staff who
have other teaching responsibilities using a core curriculum that has the
potential to confuse fragile learners. Formulating and following
decision-rules for determining who will receive DI and the criteria for
“exiting” DI add to the complexity of using DI as an intervention, which
often results in students returning to DI a second or third time after they
struggle when they receive instruction in the core (non-DI) program only.
(See Helping Kids Soar: Children Reaching Their Full Potential with Direct
Instruction, at https://bit.ly/3A77Xyc, for a portrait of two schools in
the U.S. that used DI with great effect on the performance of higher-placed
children as well as the performance of children who placed lower in the DI
Although 700 participants attended the webinar, there have only been 83
views of the webinar since. Pass the word along – this is a must-see
webinar for anyone interested in DI!
Many thanks to
A. Merhbi <https://www.linkedin.com/in/ammarmerhbi/> for alerting me to
this webinar.
Hill <https://www.linkedin.com/company/mcgraw-hill-education/> Good to
Great Schools Australia
Kurt E. Engelmann, Ph.D., President
The National Institute for Direct Instruction (NIFDI)
Get the most comprehensive guide to implementing DI available –
*Direct Instruction: A Practitioner’s Handbook* (2024),
published by John Catt/Hodder Education
On Wed, Aug 7, 2024 at 4:09 PM Kurt Engelmann <kengel at nifdi.org> wrote:
> Dear DI Listmates,
> I want to make sure you are aware of a darn good (to great!) webinar on DI
> that came out earlier this summer. The speaker is @Noel Pearson, founder
> and director of Good to Great Schools Australia (GGSA), a not-for-profit
> organization that promotes effective instructional practices in
> Australia. The webinar, The Power of Direct Instruction, can be accessed on
> YouTube at https://bit.ly/4doPGea.
> I made a few comments about the webinar. Go here to see what I wrote:
> https://www.linkedin.com/posts/kurt-engelmann-a5527a81_noel-pearson-reveals-direct-instructions-activity-7224931898316218368-upd9?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.linkedin.com_posts_kurt-2Dengelmann-2Da5527a81-5Fnoel-2Dpearson-2Dreveals-2Ddirect-2Dinstructions-2Dactivity-2D7224931898316218368-2Dupd9-3Futm-5Fsource-3Dshare-26utm-5Fmedium-3Dmember-5Fios&d=DwMFaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=VBFVJdeZkD2A0voi_nvOAr77kAqH_yoXjZYvBc1gB34&m=ULrXSS5kfEpL0JB_Q-6MWmK1_aVGW0RZLQS623phtIYeAKiMk4_rD6UVrkwicFPM&s=xWwWBz1XmSMhxdzkgW-3p16UGGRMvHwf2hvYMjJYu4I&e=>
> [image: 1721630023108.jpeg]
> Kurt Engelmann on LinkedIn: Noel Pearson reveals Direct Instruction’s
> power to close the achievement…
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.linkedin.com_posts_kurt-2Dengelmann-2Da5527a81-5Fnoel-2Dpearson-2Dreveals-2Ddirect-2Dinstructions-2Dactivity-2D7224931898316218368-2Dupd9-3Futm-5Fsource-3Dshare-26utm-5Fmedium-3Dmember-5Fios&d=DwMFaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=VBFVJdeZkD2A0voi_nvOAr77kAqH_yoXjZYvBc1gB34&m=ULrXSS5kfEpL0JB_Q-6MWmK1_aVGW0RZLQS623phtIYeAKiMk4_rD6UVrkwicFPM&s=xWwWBz1XmSMhxdzkgW-3p16UGGRMvHwf2hvYMjJYu4I&e=>
> linkedin.com
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.linkedin.com_posts_kurt-2Dengelmann-2Da5527a81-5Fnoel-2Dpearson-2Dreveals-2Ddirect-2Dinstructions-2Dactivity-2D7224931898316218368-2Dupd9-3Futm-5Fsource-3Dshare-26utm-5Fmedium-3Dmember-5Fios&d=DwMFaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=VBFVJdeZkD2A0voi_nvOAr77kAqH_yoXjZYvBc1gB34&m=ULrXSS5kfEpL0JB_Q-6MWmK1_aVGW0RZLQS623phtIYeAKiMk4_rD6UVrkwicFPM&s=xWwWBz1XmSMhxdzkgW-3p16UGGRMvHwf2hvYMjJYu4I&e=>
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.linkedin.com_posts_kurt-2Dengelmann-2Da5527a81-5Fnoel-2Dpearson-2Dreveals-2Ddirect-2Dinstructions-2Dactivity-2D7224931898316218368-2Dupd9-3Futm-5Fsource-3Dshare-26utm-5Fmedium-3Dmember-5Fios&d=DwMFaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=VBFVJdeZkD2A0voi_nvOAr77kAqH_yoXjZYvBc1gB34&m=ULrXSS5kfEpL0JB_Q-6MWmK1_aVGW0RZLQS623phtIYeAKiMk4_rD6UVrkwicFPM&s=xWwWBz1XmSMhxdzkgW-3p16UGGRMvHwf2hvYMjJYu4I&e=>
> Regards,
> Kurt
> Kurt E. Engelmann, Ph.D., President
> The National Institute for Direct Instruction (NIFDI)
> ------------------------------
> <877-485-1973>
> Get the most comprehensive guide to implementing DI available –
> *Direct Instruction: A Practitioner’s Handbook* (2024),
> published by John Catt/Hodder Education
> https://tinyurl.com/direct-instruction-handbook
> ------------------------------
> <877-485-1973>
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