di: RM 1

Patricia Walsh-Coughlan triciawc at pacifier.com
Tue Mar 10 11:13:12 PDT 2020

I recently moved office space and had to downsize  dramatically, so I no longer
have a Reading Mastery 1 kit. Of course, I now have a student in need of it. 

She is home-schooled and mom has been using Teach Your Child To Read. 
The child is at Lesson 42, but not firm. She balks at having to repeat a lesson too many times, 
although she needs the repetition. I think that TYCTR moves too quickly for her, so I think 
RM 1 would be a better choice. 

Does anyone have a reasonably priced kit to sell?  I’m not sure of the correlation between the 2 programs
but where in RM would she be? I'd say she’s firm to about lesson 30. 

I see her once a week and I work on Language for Learning. She is 7 years old. 

The mom is willing to buy the kit, so if you have one , please let me know.

Many thanks,

Tricia Walsh-Coughlan, M.S.
vancouvercounselingandtutoring.com <http://vancouvercounselingandtutoring.com/>
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Vancouver-Counseling-and-Tutoring <https://www.facebook.com/pages/Vancouver-Counseling-and-Tutoring/354537597995168?ref=hl>

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