di: FW: BAP and PoBS Special Sections on Direct Instruction Seek Submissions by Sept. 1

Bryan Wickman bwickman at nifdi.org
Fri Feb 28 12:12:14 PST 2020



As part of the 2020 Association for Behavior Analysis International Convention, there will be a special invited session on Zig Engelmann’s contributions to Behavior Analysis as well as another symposium immediately following. For more information see https://www.abainternational.org/events/program-details/event-detail.aspx?&sid=63673&by=Invited and https://www.abainternational.org/events/program-details/event-detail.aspx?sid=64042&by=author. 


There will also be a special section in their two journals that will include the papers presented. In addition to these papers, ABAI has opened a call for papers to include in their two publications. I encourage you to submit appropriate articles. See below for additional information.






Bryan Wickman 

Outreach Coordinator

bwickman at nifdi.org




There’s still time to sign up for the Direct Instruction Leadership Academy

March 19 & 20 • Columbus Ohio 

Develop skills and knowledge critical for implementing Direct Instruction for optimum success.

To register or get additional information, visit www.nifdi.org




From: ABA International <mail at abainternational.ccsend.com> on behalf of ABA International <mail at abainternational.org>
Reply-To: <mail at abainternational.org>
Date: Friday, February 28, 2020 at 9:15 AM
To: <bwickman at nifdi.org>
Subject: BAP and PoBS Special Sections on Direct Instruction Seek Submissions by Sept. 1


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Special sections of Behavior Analysis in Practice (BAP) and Perspectives on Behavior Science (PoBS) will be linked to two symposia on Direct Instruction (DI) at ABAI's 2020 Annual Convention, and editors are soliciting submissions, by September 1, to supplement papers by the symposia presenters.
Submissions to both journals need not be restricted to the topics covered by the symposia presentations but should be related to effective, evidence-based instruction. Editors reserve the right to reassign submissions.
Topics appropriate for submission to BAP include designing and delivering DI components, "big ideas" in learning, applications of content analysis, instructional sequencing, clear communications, and other core DI features of various contents, contexts, or circumstances. Papers providing specific, practical guidance on how behavior analysts can incorporate DI features into their practice are encouraged.
Topics appropriate for submission to PoBS include empirically grounded reviews or theoretical discussions of the science underlying DI, and how that science can be advanced and contribute to a fuller understanding of teaching and learning.

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