di: Language for Learning/Thinking/Writing vs Direct Instruction Spoken English

Christopher Duss duss.christopher at gmail.com
Fri Mar 15 18:56:31 PDT 2019

Dear DI List,

Rest in peace, Zig. And rest assured that your students in the education
field are carrying the banner of your instructional method confidently

I teach ESL in Japan and am developing a program around *Language for
Learning* for K-elementary kids. I am looking into a program for students
who finish *Language for Learning* or more advanced students. Can anyone
comment on the depth of spoken English taught in *Language for
Learning*, *Language
for Thinking*, *Language for Writing* and DISE? For example, from my
experience and understanding of DISE from the lessons available online, the
first 10 lessons of DISE are similar in overall content to the first 60
lessons of *Language for Learning*. Are the first 30 lessons of DISE then
like the entirety of *Language for Learning*? Is all of DISE (1 and 2) like
all of the *Language for* series or is it more?

Thanks for any insight you can provide,
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