di: DI with non, or minimally verbal students

Beth Lang elizabethlang.bcba at gmail.com
Mon Jul 30 19:07:00 PDT 2018

  Precision Teaching uses what is called learning channels. Responses are
divided into inputs and outputs. Then you can quickly use that tool to see
how you get responses to show mastery without vocal responding.

Janice Light developed a program called ALL - which is now sold by Mayer
Johnson. This is a or can be a great way to bridge phonetic reading for
kids with low incidence disabilities.

Also- before Language for Learning and Reading Mastery- Vicci Tucci created
a curriculum basedon DI instructional design- called competent learner
model that is based  on Skinners works including Verbal Behavior. I am a
certified CLM coach. CLM was adopted by the state of PA and is implemented
in California by various districts and Viccis private company. The state of
Virginia also adopted CLM as well as various private schools around the
world have adopted CLM. The goal of CLM is to get kids to be ready for DI
curriculum.  If your learners have weak repertoirs in problem solving,
participating, observing, listening- I highly rec you look into this
curriculum that is also accompanied by assessments and a course of study to
train staff and parents. This Model is also a degree program at Clarion in
PA. I was the first CLM coach in PA to be in a  multiple disabilities
class. I am happy to share that coaching experience with you.

Not pushing just an fyi- I am a private consultant and am available for
coaching. If you would like support in that form- You can email me off list
and we can set up a time to talk on the phone.

Sorry for typos on my phone and this got a bit long winded.

Hopefully helpful-
Beth Lang

On Friday, July 27, 2018, Elissa McKenzie <elissa at stlillian.org> wrote:

> I am an administrator for a small school for children who have
> communication and learning challenges.
> Our students have diagnoses that include ASD, Down Syndrome, Apraxia of
> Speech, Cerebral Palsy, and more...
> We have been using Reading Mastery with fair success but feel we can do
> better.  In our school, we have the support of Speech Language
> Pathologists, ABA providers, OT's and PT's.  We use communication devices
> as well as picture boards for communication.  Still, we do find it
> difficult to assess the progress for students who are non-verbal or
> minimally verbal.
> We are very creative with students support, but feel our students are
> limited by mastery being dependent on the verbal performance. Is there a
> systematic way to assess receptively as well as expressively?
> Or, is there a DI program for non or minimally verbal students.
> Any support or shared experience is appreciated.
> Thank you


Beth Lang


Smart Sp*J*t Educational Services LLC



*202 S. Third St. (Rt. 309)*

*Suite 2*

*Coopersburg, PA 18036*

*email: elizabethlang.bcba at gmail.com <elizabethlang.bcba at gmail.com>*
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