di: DI is finally getting some respect

Chawla, Gitanjali chawlagx at milwaukee.k12.wi.us
Tue Feb 13 14:28:58 PST 2018

I am just loving all the responses......I too have wondered about creativity for the longest time: a solid foundation is the best launching surface for creativity - mastery before take-off!.

Gitanjali Chawla
Principal, Honey Creek CP Charter School
Every child, Every chance, Every day - we have the best, the brightest, and the most beautiful of them all!
From: di-bounces at lists.uoregon.edu <di-bounces at lists.uoregon.edu> on behalf of Brainsarefun - Rory <rory at brainsarefun.com>
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2018 1:02:51 PM
To: J. E. Stone
Cc: Direct Instruction
Subject: Re: di: DI is finally getting some respect

It amazes me that DI is cast as incompatible with "creativity" and "technology." It isn't. It's a technology that can be molded to any situation where people must learn and master skills fast!

It doesn't garner the respect it deserves because our current batch of teacher training emphasizes "creativity," where all of us are encouraged to be creative. To be creative the craftsperson first takes the time to master fundamental skills.

I have not done so, but I'd love to see someone create a DI lesson from this and teach it to ALL kids: Jordan Peterson gives the greatest speech to ALL students, parents and teachers. Make sure you finish the last 3 minutes<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QObAkF1_6CE> - 10 minutes

On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 9:40 AM, J. E. Stone <professor at education-consumers.org<mailto:professor at education-consumers.org>> wrote:
The piece on the Fordham Foundation's website calls DI the Rodney Dangerfield of curriculum, but that's the point.

 Finally, some recognition in DC policy circles!


J. E. Stone, Ed.D. | President
Education Consumers Foundation
1655 North Fort Myer Drive, Suite 700
Arlington, VA 22209
professor at education-consumers.org<mailto:professor at education-consumers.org>
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di at lists.uoregon.edu<mailto:di at lists.uoregon.edu>


Rory Donaldson, success with reading, math and study-skills teacher
Denver, Colorado USA and around the globe.
rory at brainsarefun.com<mailto:rory at brainsarefun.com>

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