di: Reading Mastery 2nd-5th grade 90 minute instructional pacing guide?

Sarah Zahradnik szahradnik at claytonridge.k12.ia.us
Tue Dec 4 09:20:15 PST 2018

I am seeking advice on the pacing of instruction during the 90 minute block for Reading Mastery 2nd-5th grade lessons. 
Within a 90 minute instructional block for Reading Mastery 2nd-5th grade, 
-What is the expected amount of independent time for students to complete their workbook page and book questions?
-Is there a guideline to the schedule within a 90 minute block for expect time to teach the presentation lesson (vocabulary/reading of story), independent work time (workbook page and book questions, writing assignments 4th/5th RM), and whole class corrections of independent work?  
-Is it expected students to complete the writing assignment each time during the instructional period for 4th and 5th?  
-If there are any 2nd-5th grade teachers that would share number of students within a section they teach and a schedule broken down of the use of 90 minutes I would greatly appreciate it.  

Thank you, 

Sarah Zahradnik
szahradnik at claytonridge.k12.ia.us

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